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Get More with the Bronze Tier!

Transform your shopping experience at Isetan immediately! Upgrade your Isetan White Tier membership to the Bronze tier to enjoy more savings when you shop. Simply click “Upgrade Now” and pay $10.90 for a 1-year membership to unlock all the perks.

Benefits WHITE Bronze Silver GOLD

Spend amount in 1 year^​

Free $500 $1,000 $8,000

I-Points Rewards with every $1 spent*



1 I-Point 1 I-Point 5 I-Point 7 I-Point


1 I-Point 1 I-Point 1 I-Point 3 I-Point

Private Sale Access


Exchange I-Points for E-Rebate Vouchers


Storewide Promotion Vouchers

*Excluding GST and based on nett amount transacted. Nett spend refers to payments made by cash or credit card after discounts and vouchers are applied.
^From the month of registration.
Thank you for upgrading to the Bronze tier! Do note that the $10.90 membership fee is non-refundable.